Monday, July 22, 2013

Back in the Saddle

In an effort to get my mojo back ...
I'm thinking about a 10 day challenge. Just to see if I can do one thing everyday for 10 days. I made a list of  possible "challenges".
Below is my journal entry from yesterday.

10 Day Challenge
     pick a thing, do it everyday for 10 days

bake pound cake
put something on craig's list 
knit scarves
take a youtube drawing lesson
walk, outside
ride my bike
read the Bible
listen to music
play the piano
pull weeds
take vitamins
copy a positive quotation into my journal
read an op-ed

I hope I decide to accept my own challenge; missing my mojo! 


  1. I would recommend you do something that gets you outside of the house... I learned in one of my MBA classes that just taking a different route to work, stopping at a diffrent coffee shop, or somehow changing up your routine can work wonders on your "Mojo" as you say... it puts you in places to meet new people / have new experiences you otherwise wouldn't. Getting up early is another thing that always makes me feel better - accomplishing something for myself first thing in the morning makes the rest of my day feel more productive.

  2. You're right - getting out of the house is paramount.
